Monday, April 16, 2012

Update on the '4 Weeks to a More Organized Home Challenge'

I'm trying to get a few pictures posted and well...yikes.  Apparently there are over 500 on the card that haven't been put on the computer yet.  Let's just say apparently someone hasn't been good w/ that recently ( the last 10 ish months, woops).

Oh well.  Update on organizing around here: Money Saving Mom's challenge for the day is to clean out the silver ware drawer.  Since my drawer is so small, that is not an issue I have.  I think instead, I'll clean all the old food out of my fridge today.  That is certainly an area that can use some more attention, especially because those IV students are finally coming this Saturday to clean out my fridge.  Pay someone else to clean my fridge while supporting a local Christ-honoring ministry?  Why yes sir, don't mind if I do!

Now for that 'update' I promised of some of the '4 weeks to a more organized home' project:

 The first 2 are mixed up but oh well.  This is the empty and now switched out purse, from which the pile of mostly junk came out of below.

This is 2 bins worth of stuff I sent off to my friend's re-sale shop.  I earned $55 worth of credit for her new store, and I'm pretty sure I earned all my cash back - score!  I am a dedicated garage sale shopper so I doubt I spent much more than that on the clothes I got rid of.

Again, not sure how to move the pics around yet sorry...but this is a look inside the current purse being used.  Yes, it still looks like this.  : )
 A pile of books/magazines to give and throw away. I have rid myself of a few more such piles since this was taken last week.  Since I love bringing in 'new to us' books, I have to get rid of various piles from time to time in order to make room.  What can I say?  I'm a home schooling mama - I/we love books!

Yow...guilty here.  Yes, I threw ALL of that expired food and even some empty containers, away (why oh why did I have empty containers still in the fridge?!).

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