Friday, November 2, 2012

Five Minute Friday: When Our Roots are Exposed

1.  Write for 5 minutes flat.

2. No editing, just whatever comes to mind on the given topic.  This time, the word is: roots.

3. Stop wherever you are at 5 minutes and link up here.

Sometimes things are rooted so deep inside, you forget they are there - how much they mean to you, how much they shape you.  Until someone digs down a little deep and maybe without even realizing it, they hit a nerve on one of those roots.

You may sit stunned for a time or put it back for now and pick it up later.  The fact is though, your roots are exposed.

Sometimes it's God.   Okay it's always God but sometimes there isn't anyone to give credit to but God.   Something pops up - something that he sovereignly gave roots to a long time ago...and you wake up as if out of a deep sleep.  You know you must do. something. 

Those roots have not been exposed for no reason.  Maybe you need to repent, with prayer and action.  You know what to do.  You just gotta do it.  Take my eyes off of me and remember those roots.

Repent for that entitlement that has somehow weaved it's way into my life.  Remember that I know what it's like to be there.  How can I see my roots disturbed in the experience of someone else and not act when I know.  I know what it's like to be there.  

The digging up of those roots has amazing potential.  Let's don't ignore those moments when our roots get exposed.  Something tells me we won't regret the result if we pay attention. 


Denise said...

Powerful writing.

life...just saying said...

Serious stuff. Looks like you got to the root of the matter. Thanks for writing!