Saturday, May 12, 2012

Bemidji, MN: Who'd a Thunk It?

I finally got up to Bemidji, MN to visit my younger sister.  Granted, it was 2 (3?) years later for her graduation, but at least I made it.  I traveled out of Chicago with my older sister, and we met our parents there.

I can honestly say I loved it, and could definitely see myself going back there.  This little town in the reason why I say I'm a small town girl: you just never know what you're going to get.  Of course, every place has its own personality, but there is something about the hidden treasure in a small town that I somehow identify with.   I honestly just home away from home.  Here are some pictures of the weekend to show you what I mean.

A town most people have never even heard of, and yet it was the first city on the Mississippi!
Love, love, love this store!  You just can't find a place like this anywhere else.

Seriously, isn't that store front just begging you to walk in and stay a while?
 Bemidji is apparently big on local artistry.  My kiddos loved this picture of the bicycle guy.

 If you can't read that well, it says that Bemidj, MN is the curling capital of the world.  See what I mean?  Who'd a thunk it?  Not that I happen to know anything about curling...
 These last pictures are the beautiful young graduate's college campus.  Who wouldn't want to go to college in the middle of the woods on a (couple of) lake(s)?! Smart choice, Little Sis.

Last but not least, I got to meet Paul and Babe!

This my friends, is why I consider myself a small town girl.  While shopping has it's place, who wants to throw money away at a shopping mall when you can stomp around a unique little town for an afternoon?

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