Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Just some random thoughts for tonight...

1. What made me think of the title of this post, re: random.  The little boy called something random today.  It wasn't truly random, but in his schema I guess it fit because the use of the word and his reasoning for it all made sense, even if he was wrong.  Craziness.  My little boy is turning 4 soon and doing all kinds of amazing things: learning to read, new vocabulary, teaching his little sister new things, growing in Christ, sleeping a ton (growth spurt?!), and last but not least becoming a good worker - always looking and willing to help with pretty much anything around the house.  It's an incredible blessing watching this young man unfold before my eyes.  I know he's still a little boy, but it's all going by so fast it just feels like he'll be a man before I know it.  I guess we mamas do this with our children's birthdays, but man...I'm just remembering a ton about his infancy lately.  Where did it go....???? I miss it like crazy but that's okay - I am one proud mama.

2. Speaking of babies, the little girl is really into being a baby lately.  She loves to be 'cradled' and have Mama or Daddy sing "Rock a Bye Baby" to her.  I think she's going to be pretty jealous if there is ever another baby introduced to this family.

3. We purchased a mini van for the first time this week!  We looked a while back but then circumstances changed, and we decided not to get one at that time.  However for a few months now we've been thinking maybe we should revisit the idea, and then decided to go ahead and start looking in the month of May.  Ha!  Sometimes God swings a door wide open I guess.  Monday morning I test drove one from a dealer, deciding that I liked that brand.  Monday afternoon, the first one Hubby checked out on Craigslist was in our price range and in line w/ our other necessary qualifications: mileage, year, make/model, etc.  A couple of hours later he was test driving it.  The next morning our mechanic gave it a once over and told us it was a great deal.  It was in our possession by the end of the morning.  Talk about an answer to prayer!

4. Speaking of an answer to prayer, this whole situation has been such a great lesson for our kids.  They prayed with us on Monday as we asked God to make his plan clear to us.  I quoted Proverbs 16:9, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."  We talked about how God has a plan for everything in our lives, and he would open the door if this van was meant for us.  Then they watched God do just that.  Since we got it a couple days ago now, they've been saying to Hubby, "Thank you for our van, Daddy!"  To which he has replied, "God gave it to us.  It was part of his plan. You should thank Him for the van." So they do, just like that: "Thank you God for our van!"  Faith like a child...

5. Finally, I said this post was going to be random.  I found TWO yolks in ONE egg the other day!  How cool is that?!  I have heard of this happening before, but I had never seen it until now.  I scooped out the extra yolk and continued with my brownie making.  Oddly enough they came out a very different texture than I remember.  It had been a while since I made that kind, but I wonder if removing the yolk had something to do with it...did I remove too much of the white as well?  Or did it not have as much egg white?  I have no clue, but they still tasted amazing so it was all good in the end.

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