Sunday, May 13, 2012

Trying Something New: Posting a Few Goals for the Week

I'm not sure whether I'll continue to do this in the future or not, but I thought I'd give it a shot for now in hopes to keep myself more accountable. It worked really well w/ the '4 Weeks to a More Organized Home' challenge so why not with other things?  I'll try to update the list at the end of the week to see how I did.

Here are a few goals for my upcoming week, in no particular order:

1. Research summer activities for kids, ie: VBS, sports activity, free local events.

2. Continue with my organizing and purging.  This week: upstairs closets and kids' clothes.

3. Give Hubby a hair cut.

4. (Possibly) get/give (?) the little girl a hair cut.

5. Make a meal for some friends in need.

6. Get to the Y at least twice and take walks with the kids on 3 or 4 other days.

7. Look into birthday party site for the almost 4 yo.

8. Make a decision about the possibility of an early anniversary camping trip.

9. Get back into the swing w/ reading lessons.

10. Continue reading books I have been working on/look into purchasing or borrowing a few others on my list to read.

11. Call a friend I have been meaning to catch up with.

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