It's 5 Minute Friday again with The Gypsy Mama. We write non stop for 5 minutes, just letting the words flow - no editing. Today's prompt is: real.
Real. We read The Velveteen Rabbit a couple of times the last few weeks. My children are young, but I was thinking that they are getting old enough (at least the 4 yo), to listen a little bit longer to a story. After revisiting this wonderful book from my childhood, it's number one on my list to add to our home library. It's such a sweet story w/ some good lessons. Talk about a living book.
Real: emotions. I'm leaving this weekend for a trip to see my family in Minnesota for my little sister's graduation. It's going to be a great weekend to celebrate her accomplishments. I love her so much and am very proud of her. I'm so thankful my husband is helping me be able to celebrate her this weekend, taking care of the kids.
Speaking of kids, my oldest apparently is having a rough time w/ Mama leaving. I didn't realize it till last night when someone suggested his off behavior this week might be caused by that. Duh, Mom. I'm a little sad that I didn't realize it before, but at least I did. When I asked him if that was it, he was totally disarmed and broke down. My largely un-affectionate little boy rarely shows such real, raw emotion, well that way anyway. It took me aback, but I'm so thankful it came out. I was able to encourage him and remind him of my love for him. I think it's also good for him to see my willingness to sacrifice the time to love my sister, even though he probably doesn't really understand it yet. After that, we had some real conversation laying in his bed. We talked of spiritual things and life, and were just...real together. This is the stuff mommy-hood is made of.
Confession: that was 7 minutes, but I couldn't stop the flow of thought to fingertips.: )
Your post made me smile thinking about my own real moments with little ones who are no longer quite so little. Thank you!
Our little ones can house some powerful stuff in those little bodies!
You have me thinking I need to pull out the Velveteen Rabbit again this weekend:)
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