Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I got this idea from my dear friend Haley over at Creative Roots.  She does it every Friday, but I've been lacking in posts lastely so I thought I'd do this for a quick and fun read for whoever cares.


1. We had a rough morning today so we missed the first week of story hour that we signed up for at the library, and it wasn't related to sickness.  I don't like committing to something and not following through, but that sometimes happens with kids.

2.  I was flooded with emotion as I was reminded of a difficult situation from years ago in my past earlier this week. The topic was part of a group discussion, and no one was aware of my previous experiences until I chose to share them.  It was definitely awkward to hear people reacting to a situation as those 'on the outside looking in.'  (It also made me aware of being careful not to judge someone in a situation I have not personally experienced, though that is not what was happening in this particular discussion, just to clarify.)

3. Attempting to turn onto my busy street from another busy street, and then get into the right lane so I can get into my drive way less than a block down.  This is often both awkward as well as a bit risky. 


1. Part time home schooling my son in Kindergarten is just plain awesome.  He loves it and so do I.

2. My school year Tuesday morning Bible study has started again. It's that time of year again to study the Word in depth w/ a group of women, build new relationships, and continue growing old ones.

3. Our small group at church has the 4th week 'off' but the church provides childcare so parents can have a date night w/ low cost (possibly free!) babysitting.  That's incredibly awesome!  We also eat dinner together when we meet.  This reminds me of my college days and I think speaks of good fellowship and bonding ahead for our group.

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