Thursday, May 31, 2012

Update: Morning Routine

It's been a while since I updated on our morning routine.  We've been through some changes lately that I think have really helped us stay on track, so I'm very thankful.  Here's what it looks like currently:

  • Breakfast/Bible reading w/ Daddy before he leaves for work

  • Move to the living room for Bible memory (and a portion of the rest of our routine).  We are still doing Ephesians chapter 6 and I am amazed at how far we've come!  We are still doing roughly one verse per week and adding to the rest and have come to a place where we can't say the whole thing too many times or I lose the kids.  That's great though - it shows how far we've progressed, and we just keep going!  I am amazed at what little sponges their brains are.

  • We then sing a hymn or 2 (or 3 or 4 if the kids want to).  If it's longer and older, with more complicated language, we just do one verse per week till they get it.  That way we can practice it a lot.  We just got finished with "Immortal Invisible God Only Wise" and we are currently working on "We Gather Together."  I honestly wasn't sure how this would go at first, but the kids love it, and the 2 1/2 year old can be heard around the house loudly singing words I wasn't sure she'd even be able to say at this age.  I'm sure she can't comprehend much, but now she'll never forget some wonderful truths, and the message will become clear one day.

  • Next we move to the kitchen where we talk about the weather outside and the day/date.  It only took about a week for both kids to pretty much know what day it is when asked now.  Again, I'm amazed at how quickly they learn!  We have a 'days of the week' song that goes w/ the Adams Family theme song that they love.  Sometimes we add in different voices and it's one big hit all around. : )

  • After that we turn on the timer for our clean up time and get going.  I'm still working on training them, particularly the 2 yo what it means to work until the timer goes off, but she is getting there and learning that this is a non-negotiable part of our day.  

  • Once we finish with clean up, we head back to the living room for a story time, which has, for now, replaced reading lessons.  The almost 4 yo really is doing quite well with reading, but he's just been fairly uninterested lately and I don't believe in pushing it at this age.  He is using the skills he has in his environment, and that's honestly so great that I don't mind if he's uninterested in formality right now.  I figure his little brain is working a lot on loads of things, and I don't want to spoil his love for learning or stress him out.  Besides, he's getting practice without even realizing it. : )

Attitudes and Pushback:

This was something I expected to a certain degree, especially since the concept of a morning routine is so new for the kids, even if we have been doing it for a few months now.  There have been (a couple) days where I got so frustrated I chucked the whole thing, but I always go back to it.  I think a couple things were interacting here:

1. The 2 yo is just that.  She wants to do what she wants to do and not what she's told.  She's Miss Independent these days, and a routine 'stifles' her.  Let's just say she's really learning to obey through this routine, and thankfully, she is getting it.

I wondered if this was too much for her, but I have decided for the most part that it's not.  I don't expect her to do every little thing perfectly or even barely participate in some things.  The only thing I do require is that she learn that she may not be a distraction when her brother is trying to pay attention.

2. The strong willed 4 yo is really thriving on the routine.  Yes, there are times he'd rather I put it off, but once we get into it he's right there and taking much responsibility for it most of the time.  It has been a joy to see him blossom, as well as keep his mischievous little brain out of trouble.

3.  There are days when, honestly, I don't want to do this.  I know we thrive off of a routine but I have never been one to give myself much of one. I get frustrated at the pushback and want to give in. In the past, I did what I wanted to do when I felt I needed or wanted to do it.  I am not giving up though, and I know this is a necessary and fruitful thing for all of us even if there are times when we don't see it.

All of that to say...we are forging ahead and learning lots along the way.  I am actually starting to see some glimmers as to how we will handle home schooling in the near future, and actually be able to make it through the day.  I am also considering officially pre schooling the kids at home this fall.  I think it would be a good exercise for all of us, but more on that another time.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

God Hears

God did something cool in our family this last week, and I just want to share and give him praise for hearing what seemed at the time to be a seemingly small and not very significant prayer.

We take our kids to a local family sporting event every Friday evening in the summer.  Yesterday was our second week.  It is a ton of fun, but it's not at a great time.  For our family, it's  right in the middle of our dinner hour.  The husband gets off of work at 5, and when he gets home, we need to head out and get over to the track.  By the time we get back home, it's almost bed time. For this reason, we decided that we would pick up something quick and semi healthy for dinner afterwards.  That way, I don't have to maneuver so much between getting kiddos and dinner ready to go at the same time, and figuring out what we can have that will be satisfying and good to eat immediately upon walking in the door.

However, this particular month has a few extra days tacked onto our bi-weekly cash budget.  You see, we budget some restaurant money every month and stick it in an envelope as part of our envelope system (Dave Ramsey style).  This way, we can limit how much we eat out and how much we spend, because we know sometimes it's just going to happen. We have to budget very carefully this summer if we plan to do Subway every Friday evening.

Only this time we ran out.  Oops.  Here's the thing: when that happens, that's it - no extra spending unless absolutely necessary.

So what's a frugal mama to do?  I prayed that God would somehow work it out.  I sent up an arrow prayer and left it at that.

In actuality, I had practically forgotten about it, even when a coupon for a free take out meal from a local restaurant showed up in the mail a couple days later.  Sweet! We rejoiced - we had a simple, free, and filling option!  It wasn't the most healthy meal, but it could have been worse, and there it was.  Thanks God!

It honestly wasn't until last night after I picked up the meal and was preparing to serve it to my family that I remembered my prayer.  I immediately told my family, "You know what?  I have had a secret this week, and I'm going to share it with you now.  Listen to what God did!" So of course I relayed to them the above story.

Praise the LORD!  He cares about even the small, seemingly insignificant details of our lives.  What a precious reminder to lay all our cares before him.

"Cast your cares upon the Lord, for he cares for you..." 1 Peter 5: 7

Friday, May 25, 2012

5 Minute Friday: Opportunity

I'm linking up this morning with The Gypsy Mama.  "Around here" as they say, we write for 5 minutes flat on whatever comes to mind: no stopping or editing.  Just a free flow from thought to finger tips.  The word today is opportunity.  Go.

I missed an opportunity: saw a sign with too many words to slow down, but read quickly.  
I did my thing, went to pay and she informed me of an opportunity: to financially bless a family, a child, in need.
I did my "Christian" thing and added $5 to my order, smiled, and walked away - not knowing what to say, but at least I did the right thing, right?
Like I needed the rest of that 'miscellaneous' (read: coffee cash) in the first place.
Looking back, I know, deep in my heart: I could have, should have stopped.  Listened.  Learned.  Blessed.  With my heart, ears, mind, soul, strength.  An opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and looking back, I know: I missed it.  

If I had only been a little more mindful

Lord, forgive me.  Help me to see the hurting mom who needs more than just my money (and could have used a bit more of it), but YOU, the You I could have offered, and somehow...I missed the opportunity to die to myself.


Saturday, May 19, 2012

Salin' Saturday!

If you know me, that does not mean "salin' " on the water.  You also know then, that I am an absolute sucker for a good garage sale, full of great deals...or a few good sales...ahem. : )

Anyway, I got some fun things today so I decided to share:

 Most of this is for my brother's upcoming wedding. My future sister in law asked me to help her collect the glassware that come through our house.  While she didn't ask me to look at sales, how could I possibly resist another reason to head out with a friend on a beautiful Saturday morning?
 Felt dolls w/ accessories for the kiddos...need I say more?  Perfect for use w/ the felt board we made a few months back and hopefully hours of fun for the kids. : )
 Todays book finds: The Tale of Despereaux - a great chapter book that we'll save for the future, and 90 Minutes in Heaven, which I've heard good things about.
Finally, I was just thinking the other day that we could use a new shower curtain liner and found this brand new and unopened one for $0.50 - score!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Trying Something New: Posting a Few Goals for the Week

I'm not sure whether I'll continue to do this in the future or not, but I thought I'd give it a shot for now in hopes to keep myself more accountable. It worked really well w/ the '4 Weeks to a More Organized Home' challenge so why not with other things?  I'll try to update the list at the end of the week to see how I did.

Here are a few goals for my upcoming week, in no particular order:

1. Research summer activities for kids, ie: VBS, sports activity, free local events.

2. Continue with my organizing and purging.  This week: upstairs closets and kids' clothes.

3. Give Hubby a hair cut.

4. (Possibly) get/give (?) the little girl a hair cut.

5. Make a meal for some friends in need.

6. Get to the Y at least twice and take walks with the kids on 3 or 4 other days.

7. Look into birthday party site for the almost 4 yo.

8. Make a decision about the possibility of an early anniversary camping trip.

9. Get back into the swing w/ reading lessons.

10. Continue reading books I have been working on/look into purchasing or borrowing a few others on my list to read.

11. Call a friend I have been meaning to catch up with.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Bemidji, MN: Who'd a Thunk It?

I finally got up to Bemidji, MN to visit my younger sister.  Granted, it was 2 (3?) years later for her graduation, but at least I made it.  I traveled out of Chicago with my older sister, and we met our parents there.

I can honestly say I loved it, and could definitely see myself going back there.  This little town in the reason why I say I'm a small town girl: you just never know what you're going to get.  Of course, every place has its own personality, but there is something about the hidden treasure in a small town that I somehow identify with.   I honestly just home away from home.  Here are some pictures of the weekend to show you what I mean.

A town most people have never even heard of, and yet it was the first city on the Mississippi!
Love, love, love this store!  You just can't find a place like this anywhere else.

Seriously, isn't that store front just begging you to walk in and stay a while?
 Bemidji is apparently big on local artistry.  My kiddos loved this picture of the bicycle guy.

 If you can't read that well, it says that Bemidj, MN is the curling capital of the world.  See what I mean?  Who'd a thunk it?  Not that I happen to know anything about curling...
 These last pictures are the beautiful young graduate's college campus.  Who wouldn't want to go to college in the middle of the woods on a (couple of) lake(s)?! Smart choice, Little Sis.

Last but not least, I got to meet Paul and Babe!

This my friends, is why I consider myself a small town girl.  While shopping has it's place, who wants to throw money away at a shopping mall when you can stomp around a unique little town for an afternoon?

Friday, May 11, 2012

Five Minute Friday: Identity

 It's Five Minute Friday with The Gypsy Mama again.  We write for five solid minutes without stopping or going back to edit.  We take a risk - writing what comes first and leaving it on the page for all to see.  Today's word is: identity.


I remember quoting the Apostles' Creed every Sunday at Covenant Fellowship Church back in college.  That pretty much says it when we're talking identity.  It's all right there in one little package, and I loved the...rote memory, beauty, deep affection, truth, and intensity of the words repeated week after week that to some might sound...weak, weird, awkward, just plain repetitive.  So many churches have gotten away from things like that because they don't want to be 'old fashioned.'  I loved the weekly reminder of who I am in Christ.

I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
    the Maker of heaven and earth,
    and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord:
Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost,
    born of the virgin Mary,
    suffered under Pontius Pilate,
    was crucified, dead, and buried;
He descended into hell.
The third day He arose again from the dead;
He ascended into heaven,
    and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
    from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Ghost;
    the holy catholic church;
    the communion of saints;
    the forgiveness of sins;
    the resurrection of the body;
    and the life everlasting.

I'm a wife, a mother, a friend, a daughter, a Midwestern small town girl, but at the end of the day, underneath it all...this is the most important thing about me, and whatever happens it will never change.


Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Just some random thoughts for tonight...

1. What made me think of the title of this post, re: random.  The little boy called something random today.  It wasn't truly random, but in his schema I guess it fit because the use of the word and his reasoning for it all made sense, even if he was wrong.  Craziness.  My little boy is turning 4 soon and doing all kinds of amazing things: learning to read, new vocabulary, teaching his little sister new things, growing in Christ, sleeping a ton (growth spurt?!), and last but not least becoming a good worker - always looking and willing to help with pretty much anything around the house.  It's an incredible blessing watching this young man unfold before my eyes.  I know he's still a little boy, but it's all going by so fast it just feels like he'll be a man before I know it.  I guess we mamas do this with our children's birthdays, but man...I'm just remembering a ton about his infancy lately.  Where did it go....???? I miss it like crazy but that's okay - I am one proud mama.

2. Speaking of babies, the little girl is really into being a baby lately.  She loves to be 'cradled' and have Mama or Daddy sing "Rock a Bye Baby" to her.  I think she's going to be pretty jealous if there is ever another baby introduced to this family.

3. We purchased a mini van for the first time this week!  We looked a while back but then circumstances changed, and we decided not to get one at that time.  However for a few months now we've been thinking maybe we should revisit the idea, and then decided to go ahead and start looking in the month of May.  Ha!  Sometimes God swings a door wide open I guess.  Monday morning I test drove one from a dealer, deciding that I liked that brand.  Monday afternoon, the first one Hubby checked out on Craigslist was in our price range and in line w/ our other necessary qualifications: mileage, year, make/model, etc.  A couple of hours later he was test driving it.  The next morning our mechanic gave it a once over and told us it was a great deal.  It was in our possession by the end of the morning.  Talk about an answer to prayer!

4. Speaking of an answer to prayer, this whole situation has been such a great lesson for our kids.  They prayed with us on Monday as we asked God to make his plan clear to us.  I quoted Proverbs 16:9, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps."  We talked about how God has a plan for everything in our lives, and he would open the door if this van was meant for us.  Then they watched God do just that.  Since we got it a couple days ago now, they've been saying to Hubby, "Thank you for our van, Daddy!"  To which he has replied, "God gave it to us.  It was part of his plan. You should thank Him for the van." So they do, just like that: "Thank you God for our van!"  Faith like a child...

5. Finally, I said this post was going to be random.  I found TWO yolks in ONE egg the other day!  How cool is that?!  I have heard of this happening before, but I had never seen it until now.  I scooped out the extra yolk and continued with my brownie making.  Oddly enough they came out a very different texture than I remember.  It had been a while since I made that kind, but I wonder if removing the yolk had something to do with it...did I remove too much of the white as well?  Or did it not have as much egg white?  I have no clue, but they still tasted amazing so it was all good in the end.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

I'll have to post pictures later, but I can't sleep so I figured I'd do a little updating here.  I've been in Bemidji, MN for the weekend with my family for my little sister's graduation.  What a fun, beautiful, and unique 'little' town.  I use the quotes because it's actually pretty big...but has a smallish population (roughly 5,000-11,000, depending on college student population at different times of the year).  Anyway, if nothing else, this post is a reminder for me to tell you a little about what I've been up to this weekend.  I learned some fun facts about Bemidji and have really enjoyed my time here.  I also didn't realize how beautiful Minnesota is.  It only confirmed that deep down, I'm truly a small town kinda girl.  Now if only I could go back up to my hotel room and get some shut eye before my bright and early flight back to good ol' IL...

Friday, May 4, 2012

5 Minute Friday: Real

It's 5 Minute Friday again with The Gypsy Mama.  We write non stop for 5 minutes, just letting the words flow - no editing.  Today's prompt is: real.


Real.  We read The Velveteen Rabbit a couple of times the last few weeks.  My children are young, but I was thinking that they are getting old enough (at least the 4 yo), to listen a little bit longer to a story.  After revisiting this wonderful book from my childhood, it's number one on my list to add to our home library.  It's such a sweet story w/ some good lessons.  Talk about a living book.

Real: emotions.  I'm leaving this weekend for a trip to see my family in Minnesota for my little sister's graduation.  It's going to be a great weekend to celebrate her accomplishments.  I love her so much and am very proud of her.  I'm so thankful my husband is helping me be able to celebrate her this weekend, taking care of the kids.

Speaking of kids, my oldest apparently is having a rough time w/ Mama leaving.  I didn't realize it till last night when someone suggested his off behavior this week might be caused by that.  Duh, Mom.  I'm a little sad that I didn't realize it before, but at least I did.  When I asked him if that was it, he was totally disarmed and broke down.  My largely un-affectionate little boy rarely shows such real, raw emotion, well that way anyway.  It took me aback, but I'm so thankful it came out.  I was able to encourage him and remind him of my love for him.  I think it's also good for him to see my willingness to sacrifice the time to love my sister, even though he probably doesn't really understand it yet.  After that, we had some real conversation laying in his bed.  We talked of spiritual things and life, and were just...real together.  This is the stuff mommy-hood is made of.

Confession: that was 7 minutes, but I couldn't stop the flow of thought to fingertips.: )

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Update: 4 Weeks to a More Organized Home

1.(You probably already know this about me by now, but) I am no photographer, nor do I plan on becoming any better any time soon.  It's just not a priority - thanks for understanding. : )

2. I am continuing to do this series because so many of you commented, on here and in real life, that you were inspired and wanted to see more.  Really?  You want to see MORE of my junk?!  Well, you asked for it.  Now go, yes you, when you are finished reading this - get off your hiney and go do some of your own cleaning and organizing.  I know I'm not the only one w/ toddlers to blame on my mess!

3. The closet edition (see below) wasn't exactly the assignment that Crystal gave, but this closet has been begging for attention for months now.  So, I went ahead and did a major overhaul.

 This was window/window coverings cleaning day. These vertical blinds had been staring me down for quite some time now.
I was initially disappointed on this day because I had sprained my ankle (again - boo!) the day before and  was thinking I wouldn't get to exercise that day.  Boy was I wrong!  TMI comin' at ya: I was dripping buckets of sweat after cleaning these bad boys! Even though they weren't that bad, I sure got a killer arm work out from this project.

 There was 4 years' worth of medicine cabinet build up.  Prescriptions, and cold meds, and empty containers (why?) - oh my!

(There should be another picture here, but I realized  that it had some old prescription labels in it so I will not post it, though I did remove them prior to disposal, fyi).

Closet Makeover Edition:

Everything kinda, sorta looks all put away and organized...(woops, side ways picture)
 Not too bad, right?

 No...not really...
 Midway through:

 Okay, getting better...
Hey! I know what goes up there now.
 Sigh of relief...

Yes, I am ashamed to admit it, but there it is: a garbage bag full of stuff that was not worth keeping, much less giving away.

Finishing my closets, the few assignments I missed during this project, and a few thing I've been inspired to do as a result of the motivation I received from Money Saving Mom's challenge.