Thursday, May 31, 2012

Update: Morning Routine

It's been a while since I updated on our morning routine.  We've been through some changes lately that I think have really helped us stay on track, so I'm very thankful.  Here's what it looks like currently:

  • Breakfast/Bible reading w/ Daddy before he leaves for work

  • Move to the living room for Bible memory (and a portion of the rest of our routine).  We are still doing Ephesians chapter 6 and I am amazed at how far we've come!  We are still doing roughly one verse per week and adding to the rest and have come to a place where we can't say the whole thing too many times or I lose the kids.  That's great though - it shows how far we've progressed, and we just keep going!  I am amazed at what little sponges their brains are.

  • We then sing a hymn or 2 (or 3 or 4 if the kids want to).  If it's longer and older, with more complicated language, we just do one verse per week till they get it.  That way we can practice it a lot.  We just got finished with "Immortal Invisible God Only Wise" and we are currently working on "We Gather Together."  I honestly wasn't sure how this would go at first, but the kids love it, and the 2 1/2 year old can be heard around the house loudly singing words I wasn't sure she'd even be able to say at this age.  I'm sure she can't comprehend much, but now she'll never forget some wonderful truths, and the message will become clear one day.

  • Next we move to the kitchen where we talk about the weather outside and the day/date.  It only took about a week for both kids to pretty much know what day it is when asked now.  Again, I'm amazed at how quickly they learn!  We have a 'days of the week' song that goes w/ the Adams Family theme song that they love.  Sometimes we add in different voices and it's one big hit all around. : )

  • After that we turn on the timer for our clean up time and get going.  I'm still working on training them, particularly the 2 yo what it means to work until the timer goes off, but she is getting there and learning that this is a non-negotiable part of our day.  

  • Once we finish with clean up, we head back to the living room for a story time, which has, for now, replaced reading lessons.  The almost 4 yo really is doing quite well with reading, but he's just been fairly uninterested lately and I don't believe in pushing it at this age.  He is using the skills he has in his environment, and that's honestly so great that I don't mind if he's uninterested in formality right now.  I figure his little brain is working a lot on loads of things, and I don't want to spoil his love for learning or stress him out.  Besides, he's getting practice without even realizing it. : )

Attitudes and Pushback:

This was something I expected to a certain degree, especially since the concept of a morning routine is so new for the kids, even if we have been doing it for a few months now.  There have been (a couple) days where I got so frustrated I chucked the whole thing, but I always go back to it.  I think a couple things were interacting here:

1. The 2 yo is just that.  She wants to do what she wants to do and not what she's told.  She's Miss Independent these days, and a routine 'stifles' her.  Let's just say she's really learning to obey through this routine, and thankfully, she is getting it.

I wondered if this was too much for her, but I have decided for the most part that it's not.  I don't expect her to do every little thing perfectly or even barely participate in some things.  The only thing I do require is that she learn that she may not be a distraction when her brother is trying to pay attention.

2. The strong willed 4 yo is really thriving on the routine.  Yes, there are times he'd rather I put it off, but once we get into it he's right there and taking much responsibility for it most of the time.  It has been a joy to see him blossom, as well as keep his mischievous little brain out of trouble.

3.  There are days when, honestly, I don't want to do this.  I know we thrive off of a routine but I have never been one to give myself much of one. I get frustrated at the pushback and want to give in. In the past, I did what I wanted to do when I felt I needed or wanted to do it.  I am not giving up though, and I know this is a necessary and fruitful thing for all of us even if there are times when we don't see it.

All of that to say...we are forging ahead and learning lots along the way.  I am actually starting to see some glimmers as to how we will handle home schooling in the near future, and actually be able to make it through the day.  I am also considering officially pre schooling the kids at home this fall.  I think it would be a good exercise for all of us, but more on that another time.

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