Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Strong Willed Children: A Couple of Links I Have Been Meaning to Share

I originally started this blog as one means of getting out some stress related to being the mother of a strong willed child.   I have tried again and again to write something that reflects the challenges, at the same time keeping a positive spin and not just being a big internet whiner. Unfortunately, I just haven't felt like I've yet been able to put the right words down that would be honest, helpful, or edifying.  I do feel I have a balanced perspective (most days), but the tough ones do still cloud my thinking from time to time, and I just don't always know how to share my heart with out feeling overly vulnerable and misunderstood.  Thus, I have heretofore refrained from discussing my personal struggle (and even now I simply admit it's there).

However, I have come across some other bloggers who have done a fabulous job of sharing their own struggles of late.  They have challenged me and made me feel that I am not alone on this path.  So, instead of sharing my own mixed bag of woes, challenges, joys, and (hard won) accomplishments...for now I'll just not try to re-invent the wheel and post others' more well put together thoughts here.

 If you are the mother of a strong willed child and need encouragement today, or if you know parents of a strong willed child and simply want to understand their struggle, check out the links below.  

If you are in this place with me, I sincerely hope and pray the Lord blesses and challenges you with these words as he has used them to bless me.  I don't know about you, but it's so helpful just to know I am not the only mother on the planet who struggles to be the right kind of mom for her strong willed child.  

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