Friday, March 16, 2012

Being Brave for Just 5 Minutes

I'm linking up with today to do her 5 minute Friday post.

The word is BRAVE...Go!

Wow, is that the word of the day or what?  I have been thinking about this blog over and over again for weeks and months.  I found Gypsy Mama's blog and felt the call to go at it again a few weeks ago.  I have started and stopped and started and stopped again...always a little leery of what I might say that I can't take back.  I went back to her blog again today and what is the word of the day but BRAVE?!

I wonder if Someone is trying to tell me something?  Probably.  I have been hearing the message but have not been brave enough to just do it for a long time.  I saw the topic this morning and decided to give it a go.

I am not brave.  I feel as though I need to be as a wife and mother, and especially a homeschooling mother in this day and age, but often I feel week and unable to 'gird up (my) loins' and do the job I'm called to do.  I carry on in fear and trepidation.  I cry out to  God and beg him to make me faithful on this journey...I drop to my knees and admit that He's the only way I can take one step in front of the other.

He's the only Way.  He is the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father but through him.  I must come to him and to the Father if I am going to be able to continue on the path.  I sense deep within my soul there is no. other. way.

So here I sit, working out my salvation with fear and trembling and choose to put one foot in front of the other.  I will be brave.  He will make me brave by his grace and his grace alone.  His boundless grace...and 'he has set the boundaries for me in wonderful places' (or something like that) as my good friend Mary says.


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