Friday, March 2, 2012

Resurrecting the Blog

I don't know what happened, but for some reason this thing fell to the back burner after very little effort in getting it started in the first place.  Recently however, I have come across a few things that have convicted me to do this, and so I am going to try again.

1. No less than 3 people/situations, have come up encouraging me to blog lately.  Two of these have been admonishments from people I have a lot of respect for.  I tend to figure that often, when God brings up a topic over and over again, it usually means he intends me to pay attention to it.  In this case, the message is fairly clear: blog!  So here I am (again).

2.All of these situations were also very specific in admonishing me to share some of what I have been/am going through in life.  Two of these people felt that a certain situation with one of my children might be helpful for others to read about as we continue to navigate it as a family.  Frankly, I am totally uncomfortable with this part of the assignment, but I understand that sometimes God asks us to do uncomfortable things for our good.  So 'with fear and trembling'...may this be a repentant, redemptive act.

3. As I have considered the aforementioned, it has also occurred to me that it may be cathartic, in some way, to get a few things off my chest in regard to the (presently mystery) situation.  Hopefully it will be helpful to others who read it as well.

4. Finally, life is just plain interesting being a stay at home, (soon to be officially) homeschooling mother of two.  I am constantly considering how I might be a better wife, mother, teacher, homemaker, friend, sister, etc.  We often have lots of fun around here, and I enjoy trying interesting DIY projects for myself, my family, and our home.  I don't know for sure, but just maybe someone out there might enjoy hearing about these other categories as well.  
: )

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